Tuesday 3 September 2013

Carb Cycling

The basics in order to keep dropping body fat is mostly down to simple metabolic trickery.

Most athletes tend to think they need to eliminate carbs from their training diet and go on a keto diet (very low carbs/high fats), this may not necessarily be the best strategy.

It could be a good idea eliminating carbs from your diet as it initially brings about some results due to less water retention which will result in a sudden drop in weight, but when carbs are low for long periods of time when training naturally, you eventually plateau in terms of how much body fat you can lose. A lack of carbs in the long term will eventually begin to reduce the number of calories your body burns at rest. And this ultimately means that your metabolic rate will lower to the point where you're at maintenance, and you are unable to burn additional body fat.

By using high carb days 1-2 days per week this will help boost your metabolic rate overall so that you will continue to burn body fat. This occurs due to a reduction of thyroid hormone production (the hormone responsible for keeping the metabolism high)

So instead of eliminating carbohydrates from your diet, a better way to accomplish sustained fat loss is through the use of carbohydrate cycling.

The idea behind carb cycling is that you deplete your carbohydrate stores, allowing your body to use up muscle glycogen stores and burn body fat. Carb cycling is a process used to help bodybuilders and athletes alike to drop body fat. If you consume more caloric energy than your body needs, the extra will be converted to stored glycogen and fat.
You should try and drop carbs to less than thirty grams for four to five days, on the following day you should then load up on carbs (high carb day) it is important to stress that the high day should be on a day when you are likely to be using up the most amount of energy.

Below are a list of good/slow release carb sources for sustained energy release.
  • Sweet Potatoe
  • Wholegrain rice, pasta, bread.
  • Oatmeal
  • Yams
Lean Protein Sources
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Lean Ground Beef
  • Whey Protein 
Good Fats
  • Flax Seed / Flax Seed Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Natural Peanut Butter
  • Nuts (Almonds are the best source)

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