All trainees should know the benefits of protein for lifting. Increased protein intake is an absolute requirement for maximal gains. Unfortunately, many trainees take this to extremes and eat far more protein than they could ever assimilate. The protein, while not causing health problems--there's no indication that high protein intake is harmful to HEALTHY kidneys--simply becomes an expensive source of calories since the excess gets converted to glucose.A protein intake of slightly less than 1 gram/pound of bodyweight (or lean body mass if you can measure it accurately) is plenty as long as you're getting enough calories and the sources of protein are high quality. There are a lot of good food sources of protein: meat, fish, poultry, beans and dairy; even vegetables have a small amount.
If there's one place modern weight trainees go wrong, it's the misguided quest of trying to eliminate fat from the diet. We need certain types of fats, but not others. Fat quality is far more important than fat quantity. In general, I feel that a fat intake of 20-25%, coming from healthy sources such as vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, etc., should be consumed by all trainees.This helps to provide sufficient calories without being excessive. Saturated fats from animal products (and oils like coconut and palm kernel oil) should be minimized since they are associated with health problems. But there are no absolutes.
Carbohydrates are both under and over-rated for strength athletes. On the one hand, many athletes tend to over-consume carbohydrates (especially highly refined ones), usually in lieu of healthy fats. On the other hand, there are some diet gurus telling people that they can grow without carbohydrates in their diet.Even though I've written a book on low-carbohydrate dieting, I'll tell you flat out that such diets are not ideal for maximal growth. Carbohydrates are required for high-intensity activity, and a low-carbohydrate diet will eventually sap training intensity--not a recipe for good gains.
In general, carbohydrates may make up 50-55% of a trainee's diet. Of that percentage, some should be starchy foods such as breads and grains, with the other portion from high-fiber vegetables and fruits. That ensures adequate glycogen levels for training, along with adequate fiber and nutrient intake.
If there's another place many trainees make mistakes, it's in not consuming sufficient amounts of fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are crucial for proper nutrition. Five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables per day should not be hard to achieve: that's 2-4 pieces of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables. A serving of vegetables is not as large as you think (a cup of vegetables equals two servings, for example).
The high fiber intake will keep your colon healthy, and improve nutrient assimilation. Of course, too much fiber (50+ grams/day) can be detrimental. Balance, again, is key.
Drink lots of water. Five clear urinations per day should be the minimum. Many people survive on soda and coffee, which don't count as water intake. The water content of milk, fruits and juices does count. Most people are a little dehydrated chronically, which is not healthy. Get a water bottle and fill and empty it 2-3 times per day; then you'll be on the right track. Eventually it will become a habit.By: